Cori senza squadra

2003 cori

Cori anti USA

martedì 20 agosto 2024

American, sorry if I'm writing to you a little later than when you replied to me, but here's what you should do: at every game, if you go to the stadium, bring a banner with #UNION and #NOFIFA written on it, and if you don't go then spread these hashtags on social media explaining the problems that FIFA gives to soccer. If you want write in this chat and I will give you further explanations.

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martedì 20 agosto 2024


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martedì 20 agosto 2024

Would you like to take charge of spreading a message to free football from the oppression of fifa?

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martedì 20 agosto 2024

What sport do you prefer

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martedì 20 agosto 2024

I was telling him exactly that

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martedì 20 agosto 2024

Scusa, ma se lui non parla italiano come può parlarlo. È come se io ti chiedo di parlare in russo. Lo sai?

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